To bridge the gap between the legal system and Safai Karamcharis by assisting them in their crusade for justice
To realise a truly equal and empowered society founded on dignity of labour by encouraging the nation to adopt a zero-tolerance policy towards manual scavenging
How will it accomplish that?
ASK bridges the divide between Safai Karamcharis who are compelled to perform the grossly dehumanising practice of manual scavenging and our legal system. The website acts as a gateway to RannSamar Foundation, which will maintain a database of lawyers across the nation, who are willing to provide pro bono legal services to Safai Karamcharis, so that they can obtain justice. It aims to replicate the success of the case of Vimla Govind Chorotiya v. State of Maharashtra. The website also contains a toolkit and formats of petitions required to navigate the legal system.
What is it doing, and why?
Manual Scavenging is a social evil, finding its roots in the oppressive caste system. It is prevalent amongst the most vulnerable and marginalised sections of society. In spite of the practice being banned since 1993, laws like Prohibition of Employment of Manual Scavengers Act, 2013 and the Supreme Court’s decision in Safai Karamchari Andolan v. Union of India, the practice continues unabated.
In order to end this inhumane phenomenon, which we all play a part in perpetuating, access to the legal system and enforcement of the rights of Safai Karamcharis is an absolute necessity. ASK aims to provide a platform to families of Safai Karamcharis to avail the pro bono services of socially committed lawyers to obtain compensation, rehabilitation and enforcement of criminal laws against perpetrators. We believe this is essential to bring about self-empowerment, collective action and a true realisation of our Constitutional ideals.